Thursday, November 5, 2009

Pissy day .

Hellooooooooooooooooooo everyone . It has been a long time since i posted huh. Yeah , yesterday was overall fun i guess. HEHE . The handball competition was not a failure or a success either. LOL. It's okay okay but still could be improved on. Yeah , and i made a lot of new friends yesterday , whooooooots . Actually , not much . Only got closer to them . LOL.

Congratulations to Mambo Jumboz for getting fourth place;
Congratulations to The LAMS for getting the third position;
Congratulations to The 'S' for getting the second position ;
and congrats to the Bangz(or was it fangz? i forgot.) for getting the first position.

Overall , the match was pretty exciting. Whoootswhooots ,

Messaged Riyaas , Rachel , Humairah and Irfan yesterday night for a while before going to sleep. I slept quite early leeeeh. Hahaa , i guess i was tired. Next week i have to attend another SL meeting. And i am so happy the retard got scolded.

Holiday homework , i have not done anything about it , ohyeeeeah people.

I know im annoying because of my voice . you can't blame me. im born to have my duck voice . But you know what? YOU ARE WAY FREAKING MORE ANNOYING THAN ME BECAUSE YOU MADE UP THAT HIGH PITCHED VOICE WHEN YOU ACTUALLY HAVE A LOW VOICE . admit it , you are just another pain in the ass, same goes for the retard mentioned above.

Peace out.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Annyeong! :D

Hello people, sorry cause i have not been updating for idk how many hours. LOL , i have changed my blogskin (as you can see , it's all PINK!) And i have changed the song to Why did i fall in love with you by DBSK. YEEEEEEEEAH , please go to , because that is my second blog account . I forgot to tell you guys that. So sorry.

I did twitter . LOL.

Uh-huh , seriously . idk what to post here. Ohyeah , i have been doing the retarded facebook quizzes and got some hilarious results, whattheheckk?

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah , tomorrow going to school for the badminton thingy . Im losing my voice. Andand , RACHEL knows my little secret. Maybe Kenjie toos.

Hais , i veh lazy looking forward to the holidays . Mygoodness. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Helloh dearest little freaklings! Whoooooots , currently chatting with LOGAbrother, hahaa. Happy belated DEEPAVALI! SORRY IM LATE FOR WISHING YOU GUYS , teehees :D
Yeeeeeeah , im tired , Going to Johor later on . Whooooooooooooots, gonna eat there.
LOL? Yeah , Anyway see the photo at the side. That is none other than Siti Khadijah Binte Ariff in her HOTPINK! baju rayer! LOL.For more rayer photos with my other 3 good friends (excluding one - i hate her to the core! ) , please go to iffah's blog at . Ohkays? Happy viewing the photos.

Yeeeeeeeeap , yesterday slept quite late , LOL. Was talking To KHALIESA AND KENJIE on the phone . hahaa, so fun! Shared too many retarded secrets with them , ohgodsxz.
Anyways, i wanna go back to school badly . LOL. Staying at home seems like 758236572469 years rotting here yknw.

Ohyes , wishing IZA AND DANISH - HAPPY ONE MONTHSARY! since 17/09/09.
(should i get the details wrong please tell me !
PLease be an everlasting couple , you guys (both couple above) seem to be cute and sweet couples . OHMYGOD.

Heh , kay . I wanna go get ready for my retarded outing later on. GAWD , TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. someone bring tissue for me please. LOL. 3ply one , kay. BYEEEEEEEEE.

(L) , KHADIJAHluvz.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Another blog account.

Heyheyhey freaklings! HAH!
One more paper and we are gonna enjooooooooooooooys! LOL.
I got my higher mother tongue paper already! :D :D
Paper 1 : 73/90 .
Midyear exam paper 1 : 76/90
I dropped , gawd? LOL.
Paper 2 : 63/110.
Midyear paper 2 : 68/110.
I dropped once again ! whattheheck, ):
Yup , tomorrow is homec paper , hope i score like one piece of shit jyeah?
Anyways , i have been practicing the hipdance for the song abracadabra.
andand , i love taegoon! he is so super cute, okay , idk. LOl.
Bye! :D

ps : changed my song to duped by taegoon , i told you he's hooot! :D :D

Saturday, October 10, 2009

190th post ?

Hellohello earthlings.
I'm back . My brother ( little brother ) is cursing me with all those swear words because i told my mother to scold him and tadaa! LOL .
Yesyes , yesterday i screwed up the english paper one . stupid section 2 .
I only wrote three points leh! whattheeff. screw the freaking english paper.

After that went home to shower and change into my HOTPINK! baju rayer!
Then went to wm's library to meet Rennes , Beehuang , and Gail . After that went to M1 to see Rachel and Rebecca .
Then met Fatin and Iffah after they dyed their hair brown.
Photos at Fatin's or Iffah's or khaliesa's blog.
Gotta go , will update soon.
I need to cram into science and history! BYEEEE!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I'm pissed.

Whoooooooots , hellohellohello people.
I'm so fcked up all the way today.
Blood is currently boiling.
I dun care uh , Rachel , Umaa , Marjaanaa , Fowziya and Vaisnavi all knew what happened.
Yeahlah , arseholes , next time want to skip might as well no need to study for history right?
Too clever already mah . Somemore teacher gave us a lot of hints neh .
The most wonderful thing is you guys want to buy present for your mum uh , i heard? I thought you wanted to meet someone ? Wah , tsktsk . whattheeff.
Then at this point of time also can don't want to go to remedial so that can go somewhere right . Ha ha , wonderful.
Skip also don't want to tell . Tsktsk , what is this man .
Ini kau panggil kawan? Banyak uh kaunye kawan. Jangan nak try bedek dgn aku uh.
fckfckfckfckfckfckfck , you guys do this to me like a day before english .

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for not being friends with you anymore.
I'm sorry i deleted you on facebook.
I'm sorry i deleted all of your messages.
I'm sorry i deleted your number.
I'm sorry but i hate you.
I'm sorry but i like you.
I'm sorry that i can't lie to myself and you too.
I'm sorry to have disturbed your life.
I'm sorry to have been friends with you.
I'm sorry for you.
But I'm more sorry for myself.
I'm sorry we can't be friends anymore.

Heya peeps , today im exhausted , like really exhausted.
Hah! idk why my favourite period seems to be art for today.
Yeah , cause i usually hate art lessons!
Stayed back after school for a maths-one-hour-freaking-test.
Therefore , i hope you guys get it that i lost 8 marks for the retarded graph question. Ha (pause) ha. Yeah , but it's kinda good cause she help us prepare for the worst case scenario. YEAH RIGHT!.

Anyway , *rewind until music period* we finished our music chacha dance today.
Sadly , it also became one of my most embarassing moments of SitiKhadijahBinteAriff's life. My cap was above the cupboard when i threw it up up into the sky (ceiling) . hahaa , gosh! my cheeks were burning there and then. SIGH , retarded.

Okay , i am gonna study for maths and science and history.
Tomorrow there's no maths extra class.*hooray!* but there is history and i want to ask mr gan to tutor me for science.
heh! :D

(l) KHADIJAHluvz:D