Friday, August 29, 2008

Happy teachers dayyy!

Hey there everyone!
just returned home from my primary school(yuhua pri.).
lols.It was fun.met all my friends and my boy friends.
don't think of the wrong idea at the wrong time!
hahs...let's see.i saw miss lim bee lian,ms pearlin lim,mrs ng,ms marziati,ms rohaidah and manie manie more...
fro my friends,more than a hundred turned up...
ohh,and my classmates last year especially the boys,they have grown sooooo tall!
i am soo jealous of them lehh..
hahs.okae.basically today was fun.iloveit.
and thank you ayuni for belanja-ing me today!
okae,iloveyoualways bestie!
i enjoyed myself tremendously today la deyy.
and i saw GREGORY!
he is now taller than i expected!
i think he is taller than QING HONG.
lols,i am using qing hong's name only horh..
he very tall loh.but he look awesomely weird in jeans and some stupid t-shirt with and cap.
lols,he was my crush for three years!THREE YEARS!
i like mr purrfect like half a year??
hah,so that was my big time secret.
keep it to yourself though.
i need to go now!
loving you always!


Saturday, August 23, 2008

i am SUPERR BOREDD now! i am in my hml class you noe...
it is kinda fun actually..
i wrote a lot!
i mean..typed!
about 3948 characters.
then send it to Mr. Manaf and Mr. Iswardy.
wow,he rocks like hell man!
now the workshop going to end soon..
you all wanna noe hu i like?
ask me personally then..
aniwaes,todae i made some new friends..
lols,they were irritating though.
in class i sat in the middle of Niki and Syaza.
Yepp,Aqilah and Iffah did not come..
Niki was so cutee!!!!
She very,very cute..
yeah,today was so freezing cold...
coldie oo coldie!
lols...i am so lame!
this is what happens when i am boredd..
funny sia..
too bad luhh i cannot tell you..
okae,i am so boredd-d..
lols,i am loving it!
Mr Perr-fectt,i will like you always...unless you break my heart and forcing me to lock it up and throw the key into a faraway land..
i need go now..


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

hi!oh kay...basically now i am boreddd...
super boredd!!!
i want to tell ayuni something...
Ayuni!i missh you like hell!!!
ouhh yeah,and i am getting much more 'closer' to wei jie right now..
as a friend only arhhs...dun think of the wrong thing..
and of course,ILOVEYOU bestie!
whhoooooo!!!!have all my feelinmgs out already.
except that i want to talk to my mr. perrfectt but i dunno...
i felt like i should just give up!!!!
i dun noe!
ayuni,help meeee!!!!!
aniwaes,today was good!!!!
have our lessons...Blah Blah Blah!
den during geography lesson i was assigned to a BOYS group because i did not have a group!
serves me right lor...
den after that gave back our test paper!whoots!i got 19/20...
lucky sehh!top three you noe..whoooo!!!!!!!!
den during el,ms purana gave back our el common test 2...
it was damn shocking to a lot of ppl except for me of course,that i got 75/100..
frankly speaking,i am not that good in english...especially in grammar..
but EMMANUEL!pls relax lah dey!
i will beat you one!in other subjects of course!
okae,after that was mother tongue...
i was the 'crowned' and 'honoured' person to present my little,short and sweet composition that i wrote because i was creative and my language was good...
after that me and khaliesa helped ahem to write another ahem a letter..
but the another ahem reply was damn sickening and i hate her/him for that!
perhaps the guy that she likes is a bad guy than to ahem...
ohkay,then we go hab common test!whoooo!!!
love it like hell sehh!!but i got no hope get full marks man!
so,den go library with rachel and becky to return my books..
den go KFC meet khaliesa,iffah,fatin,gail and wan xin dey all there...
den we eat and tok and tok and tok..
den go mcdonalds dunno for what...den after that went home...
den i saw muslihah who is going for her tuition..
ohkay,den go home den blog after doing necessary things luhh...
i guess i shud end here ba.


Saturday, August 9, 2008

the cake!!!yumyum!!delicious man,you should try it!
the rose cupcakes!i did not managed to try it luhh,pathetic!but i am sure it is damn nice lor..
side view of candies!!!!
the cake!!
all the nicely wrapped gifts.
The teddy bear is ssooooooooooooo cute!and i love ferrero rocher!
real flowers and real fruits!i ate the strawberry,it was so sweeeeet!!!
side view of the real flowers and fruits!
The PSP game and perfume and the first class chocs given to us!i love it man!!!but it is for my eldest brother!sad!
to Singapore!

a very happy birthday to you!






hahaha,singapore i really love you!

may you achieve all your dreams and we live in harmony forever!

ohkay that is for today,so lets rewind all back to yesterday!

here are all the pictures for yesterday engagement ceremony of my brother..

the gifts!
the nicey nice cake!
Delifrance,we ate it...very fast!
The engagement ring with money!ka-ching!
the bear-bear!!ooh,so kiut!!!

basically i enjoyed myself tremendously yesterday!
to iffah,i am so sorry that i did not managed to attend your birthday party because of this engagement ceremony!
but i am sure you had fun right?
ohkay,i guess i have to go now..

(p.s:to the guy i like,i will like you always...even if you find me a nuisance)

with loves,

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

today was so fun!
ohkay,started my day with sms-ing wei jie...
he told me he injured his right arm because his friends go push him and he smacked the wall...HARD!
ouhh,he is a very good guy even though we will usually fight during primary school days.yuhua,i miss youu!!!!!
ohkay!then start lesson den blablabla..
after end school,go eat chicken wings and read book..
after that go buy drinks...
den go meet mr tan for the dunno what thing for olympic.
after that got meeting for sports leaders...
finish then went home with a sec two guy named saifulloh...
he very good luh...
live somewhere near bukit batok too!!!
oh yeahs,i think i still like him!
rachel,khaliesa,iffah will know wtf i am tryin to sae...
okae,basically i hab to go work as on friday there will be this big event i am looking forward to!
not sportsday for goodness sake...
to girls,lylas(love you like a sis)
to boys,lylab(love you like a bro)
Racial Harmony Day Pictures!Whoo!!!
Girls rockss!