I AM BACK FROM THE CAMP (!!!) Ohkays,I am so damn tired now.Yeah,pretty weird right?Still can blog.Heeees,
Kays,I made alot of friends.Before that,letme tell you about the camp!
Day 1,03/04.
Ohkays,I came late.Yeah,had to do maths test.Gawd,SIX marks gone leh.Diediedieeeeee!. Then,rushed to the camp,
Ramanjit and Serene told me I am still a facilitator. Pheeeeeew,heng uh! I always wanted to be one.It's very,very fun. Then,went to our bunks,eh eh,my bunk
Class 2e2 leh. LOL. Went down again,Met all my new/old friends.Here's the list of them;
For facilitators and committee members;
Xiu Qing,Zhi Xiang,Iris,Denise,Hui Fang,Tong Kai Quan,Nicky,Farah,Xiu Qi,Yi Yun,Poon,Ramanjit,Yu Da,Shan Quan,Serene,Many,Shwn Lim,Jun Wei,Jeremiah Wong,Isabelle Ong,Mah Ying Ying,Natthawut,Yeo Kai An,Leonard Dun(Assistant-in-charge) and Jolene Liao(Overall-in-charge).For my group;
Michelle,Gerald,Yong Xiang,Nazhirah,Uma,Hong Jun,Mung Kwan,Jun Hong,Hong Wei (Group leader) and Tae Hyun..
Me and Hui Fang are the facilitators for this group.
Then,we played '
The Great Egg',it's hilarious.And we cracked one egg,500 points gone.Tsk,so sad right?Lol.Kay,next.We went to the canteen played spill and bench.Yaaaaaaaaaay!I am so proud of my team lah. They so cooperative.Lucky me manxz. Hees,then went to play Dog and Bone at parade square.Aiyah,my group never win loh. Haiz,who cares though.Kays,then went to play minds at Eco-garden.Hahaa,we got wet! I did not play,but the plastic bag burst and I got wet too.So fuuuuuuuuuuuuun! :D
Then went to eat dinner at canteen and continued with our night games.I prefer the night games rather than team-building games lah.Seems so much more fun.My most favourite game is to sit on chairs which have balloons with water and they need to sit on it to burst it.LOL.Their pants so wet.I keep on laughing and laughing. Then after the game still so hyper splash water. And Moe Oo tricked me. He said 'Eh,someone calling you at the parade square.' Went there,saw only some people but they don't seem to be calling me.Turned behinmd and SPLASH! Then,was chasing after him with a balloon and screaming at him.Hahaa,so fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun! :D
Students then had their supper and showered around 2230 hours. Did some reflection with my group.Then,lights out for campers at 2330 hours.But,facilitators and committee members have to stay back for debrief.in the end slept at 0130 hours.
Day 2,04/04.
Woke up at 0530 hours.Was like,whoa,4 hours?that is not enough. Then,packed me bag and washed up and changed clothes.Ate breakfast,and head to the Marina Bay there,to do...
Reached,got into groups and I always have a pathetic duty to do,counting the numbers of campers in my group. Heees,then,after briefing,went to wear PFD and took an oar. Eh,seriously,when i wanted to enter the boat,it was like wobbling.So nervous siah. Then,the tiring part starts.The insructor,eh,he NUS 4th year graduate y'know,he was like telling us what to do blablabla.Then,started rowing,but the group did not really coordinate that much uh.Yeah,after much decision,i decided to be the one counting the rhythms for my group.Yeaaaaaaaaaah,then because we won in a first race (only with two boats),he let us splash with other boats from our school. Hahaa,fun you know.LOL. I kena splash until it feels like as if i already bathe liao. LOL.
Then the real race start,my group got third! WHeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Good right? :D
Then,after that went to shower at that place in the provided cubicles. Waited for the bus for around 45 mins.Andand,I Yong Xiang gave me one Chipsmore.Heees,thanks. Haiz. Then came back school.blablabla.*SKIPSKIP*
Ohkays,my group decided to merge with group 3 for the perfomance day.LOL.yeah. *SKIPSKIP* Ate dinner with my group.then after dismissal,i told them "Must remember me horh!" Grins madly. Hahaa,LOL. I love my group <3.
And there it is.Ohkay,i need a break.Byeeeeeeeeeeeee~